woodwind quintet


Terelj is a work of three short pieces inspired by Mongolian culture.  Camel's Tear mimics the horsehead fiddle, which serves a central role in Mongolian culture.  Interestingly enough, it is said that camels shed tears in reaction to the instrument's beautiful sound.  Shagai!, meaning ankle bones, evokes the spirit of children playing a marbles-like game played, instead, with sheep ankle bones.  Ger, named for the portable Mongolian home, represents the calm and powerful energy of a united family.  And, central to their proud nomadic heritage, the piece cherishes the openness of their countryside.

Interested in performing Terelj?

Contact me for more information.


Oh, That Light!

This piece explores density, both instrumentally and rhythmically. The piece was written for the Imani Winds Chamber Music Festival and read by the Imani Winds.

Interested in performing Oh, That Light!?

Contact me for more information.
