
I Go a Fishing

I Go a Fishing voyages away from the spectacle and fanfare of a bright, bombastic major sonority to arrive at an eerie harmonic world. Out foggy dissonances arrives a quick section that builds towards the return of a major chord, a tritone away from the opening, that settles a half step below. 

In some cases, we all are like the biblical Peter, who after seeing countless miracles until even the Risen God Himself, finds himself drifting back towards his former habits, proclaiming, “I go a fishing.” Whether by a net overflowing with fishes or by a strict admonition to “Feed my sheep,” we learn that the privileges and opportunities we receive carry a responsibility to others that both will challenge us and will yield a greater sense of purpose, livelihood, and peace if fulfilled. (John 21)

Commissioned by the São Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival Orchestra Commissioning Project for the Orquestra Sinfônica da UNICAMP


October 10, 2019 by the Orquestra Sinfônica da UNICAMP at the Auditorio de Ciencias Médicas, Universidade de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil.

Four Miniatures and a Prelude for a Somewhat Large Chamber Orchestra

Four Miniatures and a Prelude for a Somewhat Large Orchestra features four miniatures based on similar thematic material (and also a prelude). The first movement introduces the motif through claustrophobic shifts between loud and soft.  The second explores juxtaposition in an off-kilter scherzo.  The third explores jazz and boogie woogie styles in a hectic shuffle. It is dedicated to those Louis who get people to dance. The fourth movement develops material from the second movement in a stark, silent, and dissonant close to the miniature set. (Following the miniatures is the prelude. It is a merengue.)

Interested in performing Four Miniatures and a Prelude for a Somewhat Large Chamber Orchestra?

Perusal Score

Rent Score and Parts
