About the work

The Story of Our Journey gives voice to refugees worldwide through their personal experiences of several individuals interviewed by the refugee advocacy organization Their Story is Our Story (TSOS). This multimedia composition recounts their escape from their homelands to foreign lands. The beginning of the piece places the viewer as a bystander to the interview process. The interviewees introduce themselves, describe their previous life, and explain why they had to leave their countries.
As the piece progresses, several stories emerge. Rhenald and Felix from Nigeria tell of their dangerous trip across the Sahara Desert in search of employment in Libya. To cross the desert, smugglers shove a large number of people into a truck, who then must hold onto makeshift handles that they call The Stick of Life. “If you fall from the stick, you die.” Then, Ali and Zarrin describe their experiences fleeing the Taliban. A lamentation is heard about the massacre of 385 people in Ali’s village, as well as the account of death threats against Zarrin because of their opposition against female school teachers. Afterwards, Eduardo, Adrianna, and Elizabeth recall their survival stories and their arduous flight from threatening gangs. “And you see, we came twenty-two days without eating; five times was the most that we ate.”
The journey culminates with two uninterrupted and contrasting movements. Upon arriving in Libya, Rhenald and Felix realize they have entered “a dead zone.” They sacrifice all their belongings to escape in unreliable, overpopulated boats. Zarrin shares her similar struggles that caused her so much anxiety that, upon an order, she threw her family’s savings into the sea. The scene changes to voices from displaced Rohingya children that transition into the inhumane treatment of families seeking asylum at the United States border. “Water, they give you water, a cup of water per family per day.”
The work closes with unrealized hope. Each refugee shares their struggles to learn the language and integrate into a new society. They express their commitment to help others traveling the same path and look forward to having a better future. “I’m so happy I came here. My life is safe. And I’m unhappy because I lost my life.”
Note: Some of the refugee’s names here are aliases to help protect their identities. Each portrayed individual consented to the use of their stories, including the use of interview footage to further the mission of Their Story is Our Story: to “gather and share first-hand refugee stories to reveal the individuals behind the 'refugee' label and cultivate meaningful relationships with those seeking refuge locally so that, together, we can help build strong and inclusive communities worldwide.”
”An Opportunity”- Rhenald and Felix Cross the Sahara Desert
“I Counted Them Myself”- Ali and Zarrin Leave Afghanistan
“The Water We Drink”- Eduardo, Adriana, and Elizabeth Flee Gangs; An Account of Refugees’ Travel Through Foreign Lands.
“Go, Go, Go!”-Rhenald and Felix Leave Libya; Zarrin Crosses the Sea
“Deep in My Heart”- Rohingya Children Sing and Play with Interviewers; Elizabeth, Eduardo, and Adrianna Pass Through U. S. Immigration Control
“Still Looking”- Refugees Seek Stability and Integration
UPdate: Live performance this Fall
The Story of Our Journey will receive its live premiere in October. More details forthcoming. Further live performances will be scheduled at several academic venues across the United States for 2022. If you are interested in news about performances and related activities near you, please fill out the the form below.
If you are interested in performing the piece live, please visit this page.
The making of the video, the use of audio footage, and the coordination of events has all been with the wonderful support of international refugee advocacy organization Their Story is Our Story. View the trailer above for a taste of the project, and take a look below at our many resources for further details.
Performances/Showings to Date:
April 14, 2023- Live performance at the College of Wooster for the Their Story is Our Story residency Displacement Today in Wooster, OH. Performed by Csaba Jevtic-Somlai.
February 21, 2022- Live performance of movements 2 and 3 at the Worlds Within the One recital at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in La Crosse, WI. Performed by Dylan Findley.
November 19, 2021- Live performance at the Glendale Civic Center in Glendale, AZ. Sponsored by the City of Glendale Office of Arts and Culture through their Performing Arts Grant Program. Performed by Csaba Jevtic-Somlai.
November 5, 2021- Live performance at the Glendale Ampitheater in Glendale, AZ. Sponsored by the City of Glendale Office of Arts and Culture through their Performing Arts Grant Program. Performed by Csaba Jevtic-Somlai.
October 23, 2021- Live performance at the Millcreek Library in Salt Lake City. Performed by Csaba Jevtic-Somlai.
October 21, 2021- Live performance at Brigham Young University as part of Their Story is Our Story’s residency. Performed by Csaba Jevtic-Somlai.
June 20, 2021- Online showing through Washington D.C.-based organization Sunset Run for Refugees (World Refugee Day).
June 18, 2021- Live excerpts performed at World Refugee Day activities in Salt Lake City, UT.
March 19, 2021- Online showing #2 through City of Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture
January 22, 2021- Online showing through the City of Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture
December 5, 2020- Online video “European premiere,” followed by panel discussion with TSOS Europe representative.
October 16, 2020- Online video premiere, followed by panel discussion with TSOS Phoenix area representative.